Saturday, August 30, 2014

Whole30 Coffee and YOU (And my version of the coconut milk latte.)

Now, as we all know that the most important facet of any Whole30 program is not: discipline, motivation, planning, or a willingness to start the whole thing over if you screw up. No. The thing of primary importance is


Because as St Anselm argued, "Coffee is that than which nothing more necessary can exist."

Because, coffee, you make everything possible. And we love you.

So anyway...having now completed 3 Whole30s and embarking upon my fourth, I have come up with a number of solutions (Two. Two is a number!) to the coffee dilemma.

We say we love coffee, but do we...really? *eye squint* *meaningful eyebrow wiggle*

Ok. Time to get real. Really, really real. Don't be offended, fellow gluttons.

I contend that we Americans often really truly love the cream, the sugar, the maple syrup ("But it's primal!"), the #PSL, the trimmings, but are on the verge of forgetting our first Love. Pure, unadulterated coffee. Good, bitter, acidic black coffee. You know, the one all our farmer great-great-grandpas drank with their bacon and lived to be 212. 


Learn to love your coffee like you love your man. In all its pure, unadulterated, acrid but somehow pleasing bitterness. That analogy actually doesn't work for me because my husband is much sweeter than I am. Never mind.

Learn to love it black and pure. It takes some getting used to but if you buy GOOD coffee, it ain't that bad, y'all. And it complements bacon nicely.


I present to you my own personal version of the Coconut Latte. I drink this occasionally when I really want a tasty morning treat and I don't feel like breakfast. The excellent fat in the coconut milk will often carry me through a morning of vigorous housework, diaper changing, and building train tracks.


Start with any blending device of your choice. My preference is this cute little baby.

You're so cute and handy, Nutri!

Then get yourself a can of coconut milk of your choice. But I use this stuff

Wait for it...

Get a load of those ingredients, babes. It's whole 30 compliant and available at Wal Mart. (Although there are whispers throughout the Whole30 community that WM might be kicking us all in the proverbial teeth by ceasing to carry this beloved item. So if you find it, buy it all.

Of course, you'll need some coffee...

...and cinnamon or add-in of your choice. Suggestions:

The insides of a vanilla bean,
Raw cacao powder,
Pumpkin, a dash of pumpkin pie spice...

The possibilities are not limitless but you do have options.

Here we go...let's blend. But first allow me to introduce my lovely assistant:

And now...

Step 1.

Step 2: Coconut milk. Use full fat. 

A note about proportions: I use the Anderson Eyeball Postulate which states that the human eye, being an accurate tool for measurement, can be relied upon to accurately determine the correct proportions. I eyeball it. It's whatever you like.

Step 3.

Aaaaaand Blend!

Step 4.

Eat bacon while the coffee emulsifies.

Step 5. Check out your latte.

Pour and enjoy!

Step 6. Spend the rest of the day eating vegetables cooked in appropriate fats and pastured meats from local farms. And stay away from those dates!


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