Friday, August 29, 2014

Recipie: Organic Dried Clementines

For so, so long I've salivated over the fancy and costly dried fruit at Sprouts. I've watched yuppy moms casually throwing bags and bags of it into their carts with a chic flick of the wrist. For healthy snacking on the go...for better than average school lunches...for the mother who knows she is virtuously providing her spawn with a non-sugared yet tasty alternative to candy. 
Guess what? I don't have to be envious any more. I have discovered snacking nirvana...a way to casually and chic-ly create your own dried fruit snacks in the privacy of your own home with no markup. Read on.

Note: this method works best if preformed in an arid climate, such as the Sonoran or other desert.

Dried Organic Clementines

Organic Clementine Slice

Allow your children to eat Organic Clementines on the couch while watching Wonder Pets. Assume they are taking care of business when it comes to cleaning up their own mess. Wait 3 weeks. During this period preform only cursory cleaning of the sofa and its environs. Have a party at which heavy use of the couch ensues, with lots of sitting and stepping on and around the couch and said environs. At the end of Week 3, attempt to vacuum the area. Notice a weird sound from the Dyson and extract a perfectly tasty, desicated orange slice from the brush head. Enjoy!

Now doesn't that look delicious? And healthy?

Note also: this method works with cheese as well:

Bon Appetit!

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