Friday, August 29, 2014

Groundbreaking Ground Rules

I'm going to be blogging it seems, so there's no harm in setting some ground rules.  And boundaries.  I'm aaaaall about boundaries, as you will soon see. It's healthy!

I'm a Texas girl transplanted to Arizona.  The use of "y'all", "fixin' to", "'jeet yet", "a whole  nother", and various other colloquialisms special to my West Texas heart will be lovingly and heavily employed, and it's going to be great.

I'm a mother four times over.  I have four children.  They're all mine.  And yes, I do have my hands full, thank you.  I love my kids but darn if they don't drive me crazy with their insane and sweet demands. They're all talkers, bless their hearts, with the exception of Liza Belle, who is a mere 6 months old.  Which reminds me...the others are 7, 5, and nearly 3. Boy, girl, boy, girl.  And they are absolutely stunningly gorgeous.
"The Cowboy"

"The Feral Princess"


"Muffin Top"

Scary is very much a cutie too but I have so few pictures of him that are not blurry or featuring his nakedness.

Finally, for your viewing enjoyment:


I'm a natural-born writer. I started young with poetry and stories and moved on to love essays, lists, outlines, and letters.Words flow from me as easily as a breath out. That having been said, I NEVER write anything any more.  Hence the need for the blog.

Because of my love of language I feel the compulsive need for correctness in my writing.  I just luuuuurve grammar, y'all!  By the way, y'all, "y'all" is perfectly correct. But "y'all'uns"? Perhaps not...Further discussion to come. 

I'm married, obviously.  I am married to a kind and manly man who is the headmaster of a Classical Elementary School. He's pretty great and I like him and we complete each other.  He doesn't like to be mentioned or photographed or talked about on the blog, so you won't see much of him.

I'm a country girl.  I grew up in a small, really small rural West Texas town where it was all cattle, oil, and cute little shops downtown.  I recently got an email from someone in my class that this year is my 20th high school reunion.  I don't even want to talk about it.

I'm an unlikely Catholic convert from Reformed Presbyterianism.  Seriously, I went there and I am so thankful for what God has done in my life and my family's as a result.  I love the Church...the Rosary...Adoration... Mother Mary...and most of all our Eucharistic Lord.  Heck, I love Him so much, I even wear a veil to Mass! That's pretty intense!

Back to the prosaic.  I am interested in such banalities as clothes, makeup and hair. (In case you were worried I was going to be all serious and stuff.)  Being a Texas girl, all things beauty are of supreme interest.  Don't let me go in Sephora, y'all.  I'm dangerous in there.

I enjoy saying "Dude" a lot, especially to my sisters. I have two sisters who are my soulmates and I'm the oldest. They live in Texas and I miss them so much. Shout Out!!!

I struggle...which will probably provide a ton of material about which to write.  I struggle with anger, pride, sadness, vanity, laziness (that's a big one).  But seriously. I'm trying so, so hard to submit my struggles to God and let Him do with them as He wills. Despite what you were thinking I'm actually not that great, but I believe He can turn me into something worthy of His precious Son. I'll tell you all about my failures sometimes and about how God still loves me and is perfecting me despite them.

Oh, and I like shopping and I'll be glad to show you what I got.

Thanks so much for hanging through the awkwardness.  Let's talk soon.

 Love y'all,


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